Narcissus parents: what will happen to their children?

The word “narcissism”, describing character characteristics, is often used not in place, but what it means? What difficulties are children brought up by parents with such features? The psychoanalyst explains.

People who are called narcissories often successfully function in life. In communication, they give the impression of charming and gifted personalities. Their self -control is better developed than that of a personality -free personality disorder or regressive characteristics.

In the clinic, I often work with such people or patients brought up by narcissistic parents. Some features are noticeable:

  • In communication with others, they often mention themselves or talk about themselves.
  • They have increased the need for love and admiration.
  • It is important for them that they are constantly reminded of how special they are.

Narcissus break the internal contradictions between a sense of his own importance and value and the opposite sense of his own insignificance, with which he tries to fight, getting attention and admiration of others. Because of this, communication is difficult and discouraged. At first you feel that they acutely need special attention and care, and soon they no longer need it, and criticism will be a response to attention.

Sharp changes within the same conversation, as well as other personal characteristics of the 24 casinobet daffodils create such problems in communicating with them.

What happens to children, well -mannered narcissories?

If you had such parents, you probably had problems with spontaneity, creativity and games. Imagination and spontaneity were suppressed due to constant tension-you could not afford to relax for a second. They did not understand what was happening because of the unpredictable and conflicting behavior of parents. In severe cases, you could survive psychological trauma.

One of my patients said: “I was afraid to return home. When my father was at home, it was very hard. His mood could have changed unpredictably in the blink of an eye. Once I come home, and he just brought a few pieces of cake to everyone. I was very happy and told him about it. But I did not have time to get the first piece, his mood changed dramatically. He decided that I really didn’t like the cake and I would prefer something else. He said that he noticed in my expression on his face something that he did not like, and began to literally interrogate me, but in the end he accused me of ingratitude. Everything could end very unpleasant. I lost heart, realizing that I could not change anything. I still had a piece of cake in my mouth, and he began to get angry and accuse me of ingratitude.

I burst into tears, having not yet had time to get my portion, as a result I stained my face, which was even more angry with him. All this was terrible, but quite typical and expected. When his father was very angry, he could go to physical violence. Returning from school, I thought with horror what would happen this time if he was at home. “.

In childhood, they learned that their role is to calm and console the narcissus, and therefore they look for such a partner for themselves

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